DDC Member Sparks Outrage After Assaulting AAP Leader Jibran Dar at Kashmir Cricket Event

DDC Member Sparks Outrage After Assaulting AAP Leader Jibran Dar at Kashmir Cricket Event

Ganderbal, Kashmir – January 21, 2024 – In a dramatic turn of events during the final ceremony of a cricket match in Ganderbal District, the District Development Council (DDC) member, Mohamad Ashraf, has ignited controversy by allegedly assaulting AAP leader Jibran Dar.


The incident, which was caught on camera and quickly circulated on various social media platforms, has triggered widespread condemnation from the public, political figures, and activists. Calls for a thorough investigation into the matter have been growing, with demands for accountability and justice.


Tensions between Ashraf and Dar reportedly escalated during the cricket match ceremony, stemming from accusations of political interference. The heated exchange unfolded into a physical confrontation, shocking onlookers and leading to Dar demanding the immediate arrest of Ashraf, citing the video evidence as proof of the alleged assault.


The circulating video depicts Ashraf engaged in a verbal altercation with Jibran Dar, which eventually turns physical, sparking concerns about the escalating political tensions in the region. The incident has raised questions about the intrusion of political rivalries into non-political events, particularly those meant for community enjoyment.


Jibran Dar, a prominent AAP leader, has taken a strong stance against the assault, emphasizing the need for justice and accountability. He has called for an impartial investigation into the incident, urging authorities to take appropriate action against those responsible for the alleged assault.


The AAP, in an official statement, disassociated itself from the physical altercation involving Jibran Dar, asserting that the incident does not reflect the party’s values. The party has called for unity and peaceful coexistence, urging supporters to refrain from engaging in violence or disruptive activities.


The incident has sparked discussions and debates across Kashmir, with citizens expressing their concerns about the increasing politicization of public events. Many have called for a comprehensive inquiry to address the root causes of the altercation and to prevent the recurrence of such incidents in the future.


As the news continues to unfold, the political landscape in Ganderbal faces heightened tensions, with stakeholders awaiting the outcome of the investigation and hoping for a resolution that promotes peace and unity in the region.

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